Thursday, April 22, 2010

Larry King gets flak for Palin comments

This supports my theory that most feminists hate men. Sarah Silverman says Palin should pose nude in Playboy. Larry King merely replies "Agreed" and who do the feminists attack? They attack Larry King, not Sarah Silverman. What do they think Larry King should have said?

RE: Larry King gets flak for Palin comments

On Tuesday night, CNN's Larry King had comedian Sarah Silverman on his program and, towards the end of the show, Silverman made a crack about whether Sarah Palin should pose for Playboy. Silverman said "I think she should go for it" and King responded, "Agreed."

As might be expected, the comment has irked some.

Lulu Flores, president of the National Women's Political Caucus, told POLITICO that King's comments were, “waaaaayyy inappropriate.”

Referring to King's recent divorce filings to end his 8th marriage, Laura Ingraham said, "Larry, when you're in a hole, stop digging."

"Larry should pose for 'Viagra Monthly'," said Ann Coulter...

I think An Coulter should pose in a transexual magazine.

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